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Finding Peace Within Yourself


Happiness is based on inner peace and solidity. This meditation helps us to achieve the desired peace of mind and body by resting as a pebble on the riverbed. When we are at peace with ourselves, we can approach others and really help them. This meditation is based on the pebble meditation of Thich Nath Hanh.

Conscious Grounded Present


Awareness is the basis of all experience. After moving our attention from thinking into our body, we open up to our awareness of hearing. Recognising the present moment, the here and now, helps us to understand where our true home is.

Opening to Stillness


Looking at objects with a narrow or an open focus encourages you to consciously move from a doing mode to feeling open, silent and available. When we look at objects with central vision we concentrate, name and judge. This makes us feel tight and separate. Looking at the same object as part of the background allows a feeling of openness and connection to arise. The same applies to listening with a narrow or a diffused focus. This meditation encourages you to consciously move from a doing mode to being open, silent and available without effort.

Opening to Love


Awareness and love appear together. When you smile from your heart, thinking decreases and love spreads. Love does not judge. It welcomes everything that appears. For a moment just be the vastness and silence. Smile light-rays of loving kindness from your heart to the world around you.

Light Meditation For All Ages


First we relax body and mind with the breath. This is followed by the visualisation of light. The light flows over and through the body helping to let go of worries and fears. The deep relaxation lowers stress and anxiety creating a basis for self-confidence.

A Moment of Awareness


Between two moments of thought there is a brief pause. Recognising this gap in the habitual stream of thinking allows you to experience silence, movement and consciousness together. Find the gap between the thoughts to let go of habits and suffering. Become aware of the quiet, clear expanse in the gap. The mind is empty, without form, clear, without obstacles, and always aware.

Mind Training Meditations are produced by WE ARE PRODUCERS.
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