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Developing Trust

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Emotional pain blocks our compassion. To escape these feelings we flee into distraction. In order to open ourselves, we must become aware not only of our vulnerability, but also of our goodness of heart. Trust arises when we trust ourselves. This is also the key to our love, to being connected with others, to creativity and to trusting others.

Vertrauen ins Leben

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Vertrauen entsteht, wenn wir uns selbst vertrauen. Um uns zu öffnen, müssen wir uns unserer Verletzlichkeit ebenso bewusst werden wie der Herzensgüte, die in uns wohnt. Eine freundliche Einstellung gegenüber sich und anderen hilft, um wieder Vertrauen in das Leben zu gewinnen.

Sharing compassion

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Compassion is a quality of the heart. This loving quality remains with us, regardless of what we do. By embracing ourselves and all other beings, we cultivate compassion and loving kindness. By sharing our compassion, we feel balanced and strengthened.

Der Angst begegnen

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Wenn du angstfrei leben willst, musst du zuerst lernen, die Angst willkommen zu heißen. Nur das, was du vollständig zulässt, kann dich in einen Zustand des Friedens bringen.

Meeting Fear

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If you want to live without fear, you must first learn to welcome it. Only what you allow completely can bring you into a state of peace. Awareness is prior to every experience. Notice the difference between what you experience and being aware of what you experience. Become aware that you are not your fear, you are aware of your fear.

Mind Training Meditations werden produziert von WE ARE PRODUCERS.
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