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Opening Up to Love – Yoga Nidra


Yoga Nidra meditation is practiced in a lying down position. We will follow a series of breathing exercises and a body scan. By letting go of thinking and doing we relax into a state of feeling and being. Within a short time, you become submerged in the stillness of loving awareness. We welcome whatever happens without judgement, allowing the body and mind to let go of stress and relax deeply. Inspired by Amrit Desai.

Resting in the Flow of Experience


The stream flows through well-worn banks in the countryside. We let our thoughts and feelings drift on it like leaves and observe how they flow with the current. Instead of identifying with them, we view them from a distance. This perspective frees us from the carousel of thoughts.

Contemplating Shame With Self-Compassion


In this contemplation, we aim to allow difficult emotions to surface. By asking questions we confront shame. We can embrace our imperfections with self- compassion. Without reacting or judging, we can open our hearts, acknowledge or even accept our shame, by trusting in our inner goodness.

Breathing To Be Reborn


A Guided Meditation On Dying by Stephen Levine.
Read by Gerald Blomeyer, Shakuhachi flute improvisation by Michael McNamara, with permission of Ondrea Levine.
The light body animates the heavy body. We can leave the heavy body behind and float freely as consciousness. With the first breath pure awareness re-inhabites pure form. We are born again into the body to bring mercy and healing to the injured world, taking birth for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Experiencing The Unity Of Opposites


Sometimes it is difficult to relax. There may be physical, mental, and emotional reasons for this. Yoga Nidra, the yogic sleep, helps us to let go deeply by following the natural functions of our mind. Inspired by Jennifer Piercy,

Inner Child – a Yoga Nidra Meditation


Relaxing our mind helps to relax the body. Every smile softens the muscles of the face and helps calm the nervous system. By letting go for just a short while, you will experience trust, more physical energy and mental clarity. Relaxing is also an exercise in self-compassion. Being in touch with the joys of childhood can help in challenging times.

Mind Training Meditations are produced by WE ARE PRODUCERS.
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