Tenderness – A Path to Wholeness

Tenderness – A Path to Wholeness

If tenderness is at the center of our meditation practice, it gently opens us to love, compassion, and serenity. It broadens our hearts and leads us to the deep realization that our true nature consists of the unity of wisdom and infinite...
Listening Deeply

Listening Deeply

When we listen deeply, we hear sounds, music, our own voice, and others attentively. We receive them as they are, without interpreting. If our minds are distracted or reactive, we can neither hear ourselves nor others. Deep listening means being open and to respect...
You are Love – A Yoga Nidra Meditation

You are Love – A Yoga Nidra Meditation

Many people are searching for something to make them feel whole. However, in meeting the depth of our being we can recognise that we are already complete. We are love and always aware. With this insight, we can start a profound transformation. Please support my work:...
Clarity in five Minutes

Clarity in five Minutes

Our constantly changing thoughts and feelings distract us. By connecting with the timeless consciousness, we can open our mind and relax. Then we direct our attention to focus on what is important to...
Meeting Fear

Meeting Fear

If you want to live without fear, you must first learn to welcome it. Only what you allow completely can bring you into a state of peace. Awareness is prior to every experience. Notice the difference between what you experience and being aware of what you experience....

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