Opening Up to Love – Yoga Nidra

Opening Up to Love – Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra meditation is practiced in a lying down position. We will follow a series of breathing exercises and a body scan. By letting go of thinking and doing we relax into a state of feeling and being. Within a short time, you become submerged in the stillness of...


Emotional pain blocks our compassion. Trusting starts when we trust ourselves. This is also the key to loving ourselves, our connection with others, and our...
Welcome Everything

Welcome Everything

Meditation is about letting go of control. Concentration is a discipline, a way of controlling our experience. Meditation is about letting be and welcoming everything as it...
There is a body

There is a body

Guided mindfulness meditation by Gerald Blomeyer inspired by Joseph Goldstein Feeling the body helps us to relax. We are aware of everything that arises in it. We can observe the breath, sounds and sensations coming and going. By welcoming everything our mind remains...
Listening Deeply

Listening Deeply

When we listen deeply, we hear sounds, music, our own voice, and others attentively. We receive them as they are, without interpreting. If our minds are distracted or reactive, we can neither hear ourselves nor others. Deep listening means being open and to respect...

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