Inner Child – a Yoga Nidra Meditation

Inner Child – a Yoga Nidra Meditation

Relaxing our mind helps to relax the body. Every smile softens the muscles of the face and helps calm the nervous system. By letting go for just a short while, you will experience trust, more physical energy and mental clarity. Relaxing is also an exercise in...
Taming Your Inner Critic

Taming Your Inner Critic

Criticism can be constructive. In comparison, however, the judgemental voice of the inner critic condemns everything we do. What ever happened becomes a personal fault or a failure. Believing this voice ensnares us and is depressing, separating us from the people we...
Softening Pain

Softening Pain

There is no rush to healing. To avoid getting lost in aversion we approach pain slowly and with an open mind. Curiosity allows us to welcome what is there, one step at a time. By receiving each sensation with loving kindness, we can feel compassion with our suffering....

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