Enjoy The Moment By Just Being

Enjoy The Moment By Just Being

This guided meditation will ease your mind and body into the peace of “just being”. By encouraging deep relaxation through mindfulness, you can step out of the busy doing mode. Relaxing into the here and now allows a mindful sense of your authentic self to...
Floating Freely (Yoga Nidra)

Floating Freely (Yoga Nidra)

inspired by John Vosler In Yoga Nidra we relax our body and mind deeply. The inwardly directed clarity allows stress and belief patterns to be released. We experience our inherent source, and a feeling of being balanced, centred and...
A Moment of Awareness

A Moment of Awareness

Between two moments of thought there is a brief pause. Recognising this gap in the habitual stream of thinking allows you to experience silence, movement and consciousness together. Find the gap between the thoughts to let go of habits and suffering. Become aware of...
Letting Go into Clarity

Letting Go into Clarity

By relying on thinking, we experience ourselves as being separate from others. By feeling the stillness in your heart you can experience “just being”, a spacious, timeless field connecting everything. It allows all the stories and ideas, the fantasies and fears to be...

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