Developing Trust

Developing Trust

Emotional pain blocks our compassion. To escape these feelings we flee into distraction. In order to open ourselves, we must become aware not only of our vulnerability, but also of our goodness of heart. Trust arises when we trust ourselves. This is also the key to...
Just Stop

Just Stop

We often get caught up in the movements of our mind, overthinking, being overly ambitious and judgemental. This is the moment to JUST STOP, to take time out, to feel empty and light. By stopping and letting go, we can just be and allow joy to...
Finding Peace Within Yourself

Finding Peace Within Yourself

Happiness is based on inner peace and solidity. This meditation helps us to achieve the desired peace of mind and body by resting as a pebble on the riverbed. When we are at peace with ourselves, we can approach others and really help them. This meditation is based on...
Frieden mit sich selbst schließen

Frieden mit sich selbst schließen

(nach Thich Nhat Hanh)Echtes Glück basiert auf innerem Frieden. Wenn wir mit uns selbst Frieden schließen, können wir auf andere zugehen und ihnen wirklich eine Hilfe sein. Diese Kieselstein-Meditation verhilft uns zu der ersehnten Ruhe von Geist und...
Conscious Grounded Present

Conscious Grounded Present

Awareness is the basis of all experience. After moving our attention from thinking into our body, we open up to our awareness of hearing. Recognising the present moment, the here and now, helps us to understand where our true home...

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