Have a wonderful day

Have a wonderful day

A meditation by Gerald Blomeyer To capture—or recapture—the stillness of that first moment of wakefulness this short guided meditation focuses on clarity, stability, and presence. You can listen to this morning meditation while still in bed or anytime you’re looking...
Being Courageous, Overcoming Fear

Being Courageous, Overcoming Fear

We experience fear as worry or doubt. On the basis of peace, clarity and compassion we can transform it into courageous actions. Courage is the key to enjoying...
Floating Freely (Yoga Nidra)

Floating Freely (Yoga Nidra)

inspired by John Vosler In Yoga Nidra we relax our body and mind deeply. The inwardly directed clarity allows stress and belief patterns to be released. We experience our inherent source, and a feeling of being balanced, centred and...
Letting Go into Clarity

Letting Go into Clarity

By relying on thinking, we experience ourselves as being separate from others. By feeling the stillness in your heart you can experience “just being”, a spacious, timeless field connecting everything. It allows all the stories and ideas, the fantasies and fears to be...

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