Monday Zoom Meditations
On each of these, we begin each time with a different yoga nidra meditation while lying down. This helps us to deeply relax, strengthen our resilience and integrate difficult emotions and thoughts. We practice releasing ourselves from identification with our thoughts and welcome what appears with an open heart. With this practice we experience inner peace, spaciousness and safe security.
In addition, there is a different mindfulness meditation and a compassion meditation.
Personal walk with Gerald in Schlosspark Charlottenburg.
Being encouraged is wonderful. When someone encourages us, it helps us cross a threshold that we would not have crossed on our own. Especially in uncertain times, we feel alone; chaos and confusion then act like gravity. Words of encouragement can give us insight and ease. Above all, the presence of another person helps us understand the situation from a new perspective. We feel seen and heard, stimulated and encouraged, free to then step over the threshold ourselves.

Geralds Podcasts
in German & English
and a selection on the InsightTimer app: