Ariadne: The Making Of A Goddess (Bedtime Story)

Ariadne: The Making Of A Goddess (Bedtime Story)

In Greek mythology the beautiful princess Ariadne saves Theseus on the island of Crete by guiding him out of a labyrinth with a thread. When he abandons her, she transforms herself and ends up marrying the God Dionysos. This story is about heart-break, true love and...
Surrendering – A Key to Satisfaction

Surrendering – A Key to Satisfaction

By letting go of thoughts and concepts, we can bond with the clear and creative energy of our awareness. The mind’s openness is its empty nature, where we can only surrener, as there is nothing to hold on to. By trusting and letting go, we connect with the...


By letting everything be as it is, we can open ourselves to the fullness of the moment. We experience the activities of our mind as a manifestation of its luminous nature. In this wide field we feel confindence, love and...
The Next Step

The Next Step

inspired by Richard Miller Everything is changing and the inner critic’s voice is loud. By accepting that nothing really fulfilling is going to come from within our comfort zones, we can step out of them. This is scary but worthwhile. You are both an individual...

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