Compassion For Ourselves And Others

Compassion For Ourselves And Others

Compassion is important for our happiness, health, and relationships. It enables us to respond to suffering with understanding, patience, and kindness. Self-compassion means treating ourselves with understanding in difficult...
Resting in the Flow of Experience

Resting in the Flow of Experience

The stream flows through well-worn banks in the countryside. We let our thoughts and feelings drift on it like leaves and observe how they flow with the current. Instead of identifying with them, we view them from a distance. This perspective frees us from the...
Breathing To Be Reborn

Breathing To Be Reborn

A Guided Meditation On Dying by Stephen Levine. Read by Gerald Blomeyer, Shakuhachi flute improvisation by Michael McNamara, with permission of Ondrea Levine. The light body animates the heavy body. We can leave the heavy body behind and float freely as consciousness....
Welcoming The Unknown

Welcoming The Unknown

by Gerald Blomeyer inspired by Loch Kelly Stories stimulate us in ways that pure facts do not. They create our reality. Fear of the unknown is such a story that we tell ourselves. It seeks validation. That can reinforce our fear, making us feel helpless and...
Healing the lonesome heart

Healing the lonesome heart

We cannot ignore loneliness. If we feel lonely and separated, we have forgotten that we are part of the whole. If we embrace loneliness with loving awareness, we can overcome the pain of feeling separated. Then we both feel connected to others and can enjoy our own...

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