„The proponents of the Mind Only school hold that all appearances are just mind. (…) Here the term appearances does not refer to the external appearances, such as a mountain; rather, it refers to the experiential sense of perceiving something, such as seeing an image or hearing a sound. (…) We are simply looking at the experience we have of seeing, hearing, and so forth. We are looking directly at that, and as we do, we see the truth of the matter. That experience becomes inseparable from dharmata [the essence of things as they are]. It doesn’t go beyond mind itself.“
Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, Essentials of Mahamudra – Looking Directly at the Mind
Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, Essentials of Mahamudra – Looking Directly at the Mind
Image: Orestes and Pylades, sculptures in the park at Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin GB/3.17